

[span2][member img=”http://localhost:8080/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/IMG_9627.jpg” name=”Hans Ketting” role=”Managing Director” text_align=”left”] [/member]”Sed justo eros, cursus nec ultrices at, tristique eget nisi. Fusce congue vestibulum lacinia. Maecenas sem nunc, feugiat egestas rhoncus at, placerat at leo. Donec sodales nisi vitae tortor pellentesque.”][/span2]


Our export division supplies industrial chemicals to customers all over the world, both direct to end users and through a comprehensive network of agents and distributors. We can ship products in any desired quantity and packaging.

Having stocks in Rotterdam as well as our own logistics department means we can handle almost anything: bulk deliveries, complete container deliveries or small consignments, consolidated as required. We are always happy to discuss the details with you.

The Export Sales division will gladly tell you more about what is possible. For our international product range, see ‘Products’ or send an e-mail to export@khchemicals.com This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . And of course your suggestions are always welcome.




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